Thursday, November 22, 2018

The blog might be back!

At last, there seems to be an app that allows me to easily post to the blog from my phone, including pictures and videos. If this proves to work as it seems it should, I may be back in action here and the Flickr account may be superfluous. If that happens, I will work on putting everything from the Flickr folder back here on the blog.

More soon!

Happy Thanksgiving from the backseat of Uncle Kevin and Aunt Lyndsay’s ATV!!

Wilbur takes the wheel!  Uncle Kevin rules!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wilbur's Stage Debut

Hi, Wilbur lovers!  While I've been using Flickr to post pictures, I can't post videos there, so I'm going to keep this blog going for videos, and try and post more of them. It is the easiest way to share them.

This fall, Wilbur took a theater class on Wednesdays after school.  Here is the final project!